A soft, buttery biscuit, that melts in the mouth with the addition of colourful mini smarties

Ingredients: Maize starch, modified starch (1422), riceflour, raising agents(450,500),soy flour. sugar, margarine (vegetable oil, water, milk solids, salt, emusifiers(soy lecithin,471), flavour,food acid (330), colour (160a), vitamins A&D), butter, rainbow drops (sugar,vegetable fat, cocoa powder (12%), milk solids (7%), tapioca starch, natural colours(171, 100, 120, 160c) emulsifier(soy 322, 492), natural flavour, glazing agent (903,904), egg, milk powder, vanilla, vegetable Gum(415),

SKU 9323656002695
Brand Busy Bees
Size 180g

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